We do the right things at the right time for optimum results.
This Department cultivates the lawn and landscapes in your neighborhood to be healthy and beautiful. We use our knowledge to do the right things at the right time for optimum results. We know life cycles of insects, horticultural science, fertilizer composition, and we know our plants and grasses. Environmentally friendly! e.g. Instead of paying $150 to spray a Crape Myrtle infested with white fly, in the fall, wait a couple of weeks and it will resolve the problem, white flies die once the leaves fall. Â
The knowledge technicians hold, assure that we can work though some of the harshest conditions Mother Nature throws at us. Knowledge is valued by Nature’s Finest. The State Department of Agriculture requires one training a year. We require our employees to receive training, once a month, keeping everyone current on new research. Â
Working as partners with you we achieve amazing results. We communicate and partner with you. Together we keep our families and environment safe without compromising the future generations. We look forward to improving and caring for your lawn and landscape.
For landscaping drawings and installation we refer you to Tallahassee Nursery. If you need a professional pruning team in the Tallahassee and Big Bend area, look no further! Pruning Department